• Blooming Romance

    Blooming Romance

    The bouquet in this picture is the Medium Size Bouquet.


    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this arrangement. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.

    $ 35$ 85

    Blooming Romance

    $ 35$ 85
  • My soulemate

    My soulemate

    The bouquet in this picture is the Medium Size Bouquet.


    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this arrangement. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.

    $ 40$ 150

    My soulemate

    $ 40$ 150
  • Beautiful in Pink

    Beautiful in Pink

    The bouquet in this picture is the Small Size Bouquet.


    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this bouquet. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.

    $ 25$ 60

    Beautiful in Pink

    $ 25$ 60
  • Clear skies

    Clear Skies

    The bouquet in this picture is the Small Size Bouquet.


    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this bouquet. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.


    $ 25$ 60

    Clear Skies

    $ 25$ 60
  • Floral Fantasy

    Floral Fantasy

    The bouquet in this picture is the Medium Size Bouquet.
    Note: Roses’ mix of colors may vary upon availability.

    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this bouquet. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.


    $ 35$ 70

    Floral Fantasy

    $ 35$ 70
  • Be My Love

    Be My Love

    The bouquet in this picture is the Small  Size Bouquet.

    Note: Shades of rose colors may vary upon availability. The color of the wrap may vary depending on your choice.

    $ 35$ 80

    Be My Love

    $ 35$ 80
  • Amour


    The bouquet in this picture is the Medium Size Bouquet.

    Note: The color of the wrapping may vary depending on your choice.

    $ 45$ 105


    $ 45$ 105
  • Love you Red & White

    Love you Red & White

    The bouquet in this picture is the Small Size Bouquet.

    Note: The color of the roses and the wrapping may vary depending on your choice.

    $ 25$ 110

    Love you Red & White

    $ 25$ 110
  • Charming garden

    Charming Garden

    The bouquet in this picture is the Medium Size Bouquet.
    Note: Shade of roses’ color and wrapping may vary upon availability.
    $ 80$ 160

    Charming Garden

    $ 80$ 160
  • Floral Harmony Bouquet

    Floral Harmony Bouquet

    The bouquet in this picture is the Small Size Bouquet.


    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this bouquet. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.



    $ 20$ 75

    Floral Harmony Bouquet

    $ 20$ 75
  • Lily bouquet

    Lily Bouquet

    The bouquet in this picture is the Medium Size Bouquet.

    Note: Alstromeria color shades may vary depending on availability.

    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this bouquet. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.

    $ 25$ 65

    Lily Bouquet

    $ 25$ 65
  • Shades of Red & Pink

    Shades of Red & Pink

    The bouquet in this picture is the Small Size Bouquet.

    Note: Shades of pink may vary upon availability.

    Substitution Policy: To ensure your order is delivered in a timely manner, we might need to substitute some of the flowers used for this bouquet. (Not more than 30% of them). However, it will still look very close to the requested product and will have the same shape, size & flowers’ color.

    $ 30$ 110

    Shades of Red & Pink

    $ 30$ 110
  • Zebra plant

    Botanical name: Haworthiopsis Fasciata

    Nickname: Zebra plant – Zebra cactus – Zebra Haworthia

    Plant type: Succulent- Indoor

    Watering Instructions: Water every 2 to 3 weeks.

    Light Conditions: These zebra plants enjoy locations receiving a lot of bright indirect sunlight but no direct sun exposure. Too much sun can cause leaves to turn white.

    Plant height (including pot): 15-18cm

    Pot Size (concrete): : D10=cm, H=10cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Sedum Plant

    Botanical name: Sedum morganianum

    Nickname: burro’s tail

    Plant type: Succulent- Indoor

    Watering Instructions: Depending on the conditions, indoor plants may not need watering more than once a month. The soil should be allowed to nearly dry out between waterings.

    Light Conditions: Burro’s Tail prefers bright light to full sun.

    Plant height (including pot): 20-25m

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Purple Scarlet star

    Botanical name: Guzmania lingulata

    Nicknames: Scarlet star

    Plant type: Indoor

    Light Conditions: Guzmanias prefer and are happiest in bright, natural light.

    Humidity Conditions: Avoid any areas with cold or hot drafts.

    Watering Instructions: Guzmanias have a tank, cup, vase or urn (the central well which the flower stalk arises out of) which is how they collect a lot of the water they need. Keep that vase about 1/4 of the way full of water & flush it out with fresh water every 1-2 months to avoid any build up of bacteria.

    Flowering Instructions: Bromeliad flowers can last 3 to 6 months, but they typically flower just once.

    Plant height (including pot):40-50cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D=19cm, H=16cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.


  • Orange Scarlet Star

    Botanical name: Guzmania lingulata

    Nicknames: Scarlet star

    Plant type: Indoor

    Light Conditions: Guzmanias prefer and are happiest in bright, natural light.

    Humidity Conditions: Avoid any areas with cold or hot drafts.

    Watering Instructions:   Guzmanias have a tank, cup, vase or urn (the central well which the flower stalk arises out of) which is how they collect a lot of the water they need. Keep that vase about 1/4 of the way full of water & flush it out with fresh water every 1-2 months to avoid any build up of bacteria.

    Flowering Instructions:  Bromeliad flowers can last 3 to 6 months, but they typically flower just once.

    Plant height (including pot):40-50cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D=19cm, H=16cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.


  • Mini Azalea

    Botanical name: Rhododendron spp.

    Nickname: Azalea

    Plant type: Evergreen shrub, outdoor

    Watering Instructions: Azaleas need water to bloom. Keep azalea soil evenly moist, so it never dries completely out and never stays overly wet.

    Light Conditions:Select a location that has morning sun and afternoon shade, or filtered light. Hot all-day sun can stress the Azaleas.

    Plant height (including pot): 25-30cm.

    Pot Size (concrete): D=19cm, H=16cm.

    Note: The color and shape of the pots, as well as the color of the flower plants, may vary depending on availability.

  • Chrysanths

    Botanical name: Chrysanthemum

    Nickname: Mums, Chrysanths

    Plant type: Outdoor

    Watering Instructions: Chrysanthemum need plenty of water,  two days per week.

    Light Conditions: Chrysanthemums are sun-loving plants. Although they technically require only 6 hours of sunlight each day, the more light they receive, the better their growth, bloom and hardiness.

    Plant height (including pot): 25-30cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D=19cm, H=16cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.The mix of colors may vary also.


    $ 20
  • Mini Hydrangea 

    Botanical name: Hydrangea Macrophylla

    Nicknames: Mophead Hydrangea, Lacecap Hydrangea, French Hydrangea, Hortensia

    Plant type: Deciduous shrub –  Outdoor

    Watering Instructions: Keep the soil gently moist (not soggy) to encourage lots of flowers. Water the plant when the top two inches of soil feel dry.

    Light Conditions: The Mini Hydrangea plant will be happiest in a spot where she’ll get morning sun and afternoon shade. These plants doesn’t like scorching midday sun.

    Plant height (including pot):

    Pot Size (concrete): D=19cm, H=16cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Mini Anthurium

    Botanical name: Anthurium andraeanum

    Nickname: Tail flower; Flamingo flower; Laceleaf

    Plant type: Arum, indoor

    Watering Instructions: Anthurium likes her soil lightly moist, but never soggy. Water the plant when the top two inches of soil are dry.

    Light Conditions: Anthurium  needs a good amount of light to thrive. The plant  love a bright room, but prefers to be away from direct sun.

    Plant height (including pot): 30-40cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D=16cm, H=13cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Mini Parlor palm

    Botanical name: Chamaedorea elegans

    Nickname: Parlor palm; Chamaedora; Neanthe Bella palm; Good luck palm

    Plant type: Herbaceous perennial; indoor

    Watering Instructions: In spring and summer, the plant gets thirsty so check her weekly and water her whenever the top inch of soil feels dry.

    Light Conditions: the plant loves moderate to bright light, but direct sun is a bit much. Some sun will be helpful, but harsh direct sunshine will scorch the leaves in time.

    Plant height (including pot):25-35cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D10=cm, H=10cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Flamingo Flower

    Botanical name: Anthurium andraeanum

    Nickname: Tail flower; Flamingo flower; Laceleaf

    Plant type: Arum, indoor

    Watering Instructions: Anthurium likes her soil lightly moist, but never soggy. Water the plant when the top two inches of soil are dry.

    Light Conditions: Anthurium  needs a good amount of light to thrive. The plant  love a bright room, but prefers to be away from direct sun.

    Plant height (including pot):50-60cm

    Pot Size (concrete):  D=19cm, H=16cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.


  • Purple Orchid

    Botanical name: Phalaenopsis

    Nickname: Moth orchids

    Plant type: Indoor

    Stem : 2 Stem Orchid Plant

    Watering Instructions: To water the orchids correctly, look at its roots. Don’t water if these are green but wait until they look silvery, instead. Overwatering is the most common way to kill orchids. To avoid giving your plant too much water, always lift the pot first to check if it feels heavy  water only when it feels light.

    Light Conditions: These plants prefer bright, indirect light. Insufficient light results in poor flowering. Too much light can scorch the leaves, so don’t stand in direct sunshine.

    Plant height (including pot): 65-75cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D16=cm, H=13cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Lipstick Orchid

    Botanical name: phalaenopsis

    Nickname: Moth orchids

    Plant type: indoor

    Stem : 2 Stem Orchid Plant

    Watering Instructions: To water the orchids correctly, look at its roots. Don’t water if these are green but wait until they look silvery, instead. Overwatering is the most common way to kill orchids. To avoid giving your plant too much water, always lift the pot first to check if it feels heavy  water only when it feels light.

    Light Conditions: These plants prefer bright, indirect light. Insufficient light results in poor flowering. Too much light can scorch the leaves, so don’t stand in direct sunshine.

    Plant height (including pot): 65-75cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D16=cm, H=13cm


    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Sunrise Orchid

    Botanical name: Phalaenopsis

    Nickname: Moth orchids

    Plant type: Indoor

    Stem : 2 Stem Orchid Plant

    Watering Instructions: To water the orchids correctly, look at its roots. Don’t water if these are green but wait until they look silvery, instead. Overwatering is the most common way to kill orchids. To avoid giving your plant too much water, always lift the pot first to check if it feels heavy  water only when it feels light.

    Light Conditions: These plants prefer bright, indirect light. Insufficient light results in poor flowering. Too much light can scorch the leaves, so don’t stand in direct sunshine.

    Plant height (including pot): 65-75cm

    Pot Size (concrete): : D16=cm, H=13cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Snake plant

    Botanical name: Sansevieria trifasciata

    Nickname: Snake plant; Mother-in-Law’s tongue; Viper’s bowstring hemp

    Plant type: Indoor; evergreen perennial

    Light Conditions: This plant thrive in almost all light conditions (though not a windowless room).

    Watering Instructions: This plant doesn’t need much water. Give her a drink when her soil feels dry, about every few weeks. Less in winter.

    Dusting: Every now and again, just whenever you remember give her leaves a light wipe to keep her pores free of dust.

    Plant height (including pot): 50-60cm

    Pot Size (ceramic): D=19cm, H=19cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Mini Jade Plant

    Botanical name: Crassula ovata

    Nickname:  Money plant, Jade plant, Lucky plant

    Plant type: Succulent, indoor

    Watering Instructions: This plant only needs a small amount of water. Give her a drink when her soil’s completely dry and let excess water drain off.

    Light Conditions: This plant will be happiest in a well light spot. Ideally not direct sun (it burns her), but lots of bright, indirect light.

    Plant height (including pot): 15-20cm

    Pot Size (concrete): D:10cm H:10cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Money Plant

    Botanical name: Crassula ovata

    Nickname:  Money plant, Jade plant, Lucky plant

    Plant type: Succulent, indoor

    Watering Instructions: This plant only needs a small amount of water. Give her a drink when her soil’s completely dry and let excess water drain off.

    Light Conditions: This plant will be happiest in a well light spot. Ideally not direct sun (it burns her), but lots of bright, indirect light.

    Plant height (including pot):40-50cm

    Pot Size (ceramic): H:19cm  D:19cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Heaven

    Botanical name: Kalanchoe rhombopilosa

    Nickname: Pies from heaven

    Plant type: Indoor – Outdoor

    Watering Instructions:  Water the plant only when the top level of their soil is dry. Wet soil should be avoided.

    Light Conditions: Intense sunlight can burn the tips of the leaves. Place the plant in partial sun to shade areas.

    Plant height (including pot): 25-30cm

    Pot Size (concrete): : D16=cm, H=13cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.


    $ 30
  • Compacta Plant

    Botanical name: Draecena deremensis Compacta

    Nickname: Dracaena Compacta

    Plant type: indoor

    Watering Instructions: the Dracaena Compacta does particularly well with a regular watering schedule. If the soil is still moist ½ of the way down, then you shouldn’t water the plant. Only water when the soil is dry almost all the way through the pot.

    Light Conditions: Place your Dracaena where it will receive medium to bright indirect light and avoid extended periods of direct sun.

    Plant height (including pot): 90-100cm

    Pot Size (plastic):  D=23cm, H=27 cm


    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Dragon tree

    Botanical name: Dracaena marginata

    Nickname: Dragon tree

    Plant type: indoor

    Watering Instructions: water the Dragon plant when the soil feel dry to the touch, once every 7 to 10 days.

    Light Conditions: The plant  prefers moderate to bright indirect light, but can tolerate lower light level as well.

    Plant height (including pot): 60-70cm

    Pot Size (plastic): D=27cm, H=22cm


    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Dracaena Fragrans

    Botanical name: Dracaena fragrans

    Nickname: Cornstalk

    Plant type: indoor

    Watering Instructions: The Dracaena frangrans  prefers some moisture in the soil, but should not sit in standing water. Water the plant  when the top inch of the soil dries out.

    Light Conditions: The Dracaena frangrans prefers light shade or low bright filtered sunlight.

    Plant height (including pot):90-100cm

    Pot Size (plastic): D=27cm, H=22cm


    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.


  • Bonsai Ficus

    Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa.

    Nickname: Ficus ginseng, Ficus tree.

    Plant Type: Evergreen; indoor.

    Light Conditions: They loves to soak up the sun. They’ll tolerate light shade but they’ll be happiest somewhere bright.

    Watering Instructions: They likes their soil lightly moist. Give them a drink when the top two inches of soil feel dry. They’ll need less in winter.

    Humidity: They really likes a moist atmosphere. Give them a mist regularly to keep their leaves fresh.

    Plant height (including pot): 50-60 cm.

    Pot Size (plastic): D=40cm, H=15cm.

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Large Zamioculcas 

    Botanical name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

    Nickname: ZZ Plant; Fern Arum

    Plant type: Evergreen perennial; indoor

    Light conditions: ZZ plant is an ideal option if you don’t have bright rooms. It’ll cope with very little light, though not total darkness.

    Watering Instructions: This plant doesn’t need a lot of water, particularly in winter. You can let her dry out completely between drinks.

    Plant height (including pot): 85-100cm

    Pot Size (ceramic): D=30cm, H=24cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Good Luck Palm

    Botanical name: Chamaedorea elegans

    Nickname: Parlour palm; Chamaedora; Neanthe Bella palm; Good luck palm

    Plant type: Herbaceous perennial; indoor

    Watering Instructions: In spring and summer, the plant gets thirsty so check her weekly and water her whenever the top inch of soil feels dry.

    Light Conditions: The plant loves moderate to bright light, but direct sun is a bit much. Some sun will be helpful, but harsh direct sunshine will scorch the leaves in time.

    Plant height (including pot): 55-65cm

    Pot Size (concrete): :  D=20cm, H=15cm


    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

  • Mini Peace Lily

    Botanical name: Spathiphyllum wallisii

    Nickname: Peace lily; White sails

    Plant type: Indoor

    Watering Instructions: This plant is pretty tough and will usually bounce back from a missed watering. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry.

    Light conditions: This plant is is easy when it comes to light, managing in most conditions, though it’ll flower more in a brighter spot.

    Plant height (including pot) :25-30cm

    Pot Size (concrete): : D10=cm, H=10cm


    Botanical name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

    Nickname: ZZ Plant; Fern Arum

    Plant type: Evergreen perennial; indoor

    Light conditions: ZZ plant is an ideal option if you don’t have bright rooms. It’ll cope with very little light, though not total darkness.

    Watering Instructions: This plant doesn’t need a lot of water, particularly in winter. You can let her dry out completely between drinks.

    Plant height (including pot): 45-50cm

    Pot Size (ceramic): D=19cm, H=16cm

    Note: The color and shape of the pot may vary depending on availability.

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